Levente Sulyok, modern art, contemporary art, contemporary painting, contemporary american painting, contemporary hungarian art, contemporary hungarian painting, conceptual painting
2007-present POD PAD experiments  

Documenta Detour (a public intervention) 2012

Note on Documenta Detour:

This project was an intervention into the dOCUMENTA (13)'s exhibition proceedings in Kassel, Germany. The intervention was a cross between a happening and art criticism, with audience participation at its core. Our aim was to examine the relationship (or lack thereof) between large-scale exhibitions and the contexts in which they are held. Through the collection of public opinion, we elicited dialogue about the dichotomy between the globalizing tendencies of ‘mega-exhibitions’ and Kassel's local culture. A locally rented van was transformed with logos and QR codes to transport the project team and the various materials used during the intervention.

Note on participation:

The dOCUMENTA (13) exhibition was augmented by 103 separate publications available for purchase at a near total of $1000. One hundred of these official publications are notebooks titled "100 Notes – 100 Thoughts". Exhibition bookstores also sold blank copies of these notebooks, 12 of which we purchased and used for collecting feedback from the community and visitors. Each of our guerilla notebooks was titled with a different question regarding the exhibition’s relationship to the city of Kassel and it's local culture. In exchange for comments, each participant received a free bottle of water and a free T-shirt with the project's logo and QR code.